

I want your snack ideas!
I am a HUGE snacker. & I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that as long as you’re snacking on clean choices! Today I was at work & realized I didn’t have anything in my purse! How did I let that happen?!
I throw snacks in my purse, gym bag, desk, etc.
Why I love snacking:
-it keeps metabolism working ALL day.
-it helps you get all your servings in fruits and veggie! [nutrientss]
-it’s fun to get creative.
-eat less at larger meals!

Snack 1: apple before lunch [its true, teachers love apples.]
Snack 2: Cheerios w/ organic dried berries 3ish hrs after lunch
Snack 3: mini chobani w/ flax seed [while watching the Bachelor episode I missed last night!] afternoon, before second job.

Here are a few things I snacked on today, what are your favs?!

19 thoughts on “Snackzz

    • Ah now that you said grapes, I’m totally craving them! Also, I was just thinking I haven’t seen a post of yours in awhile and I was like where’d she go?! And then I realized I’m not following you! I don’t know how it happened but I’m glad I realized it now! Oh AND I’ll be in DC/Baltimore next week so if you have any recommendations let me know!!

  1. Carrots with hot sauce or salsa, dry special k, & lately whole grain pb cracker snack packs. If I’m realllly hungry I’m make some quick oatmeal with coconut flakes or bananas

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